

FastScanner(查壳工具),用什么语言加的壳,FastScanner(查壳工具)下载v3.0 绿色汉化版,10- Add the Stay on top option.添加模块查看器中的进程选项卡6、更新日志1、13- Fixed bug at scanning a DOS file not Windows PE.8- Add HexView and Section Characteristics to the Sections Dilaog.软件介绍如果你经常研究软件,FastScanner(查壳工具)下载中文,新增固定错误添加/删除板块

15- PE Editor : Fixed Bug in Add/Delete Sections.小编分享的是FastScanner阿明汉化版,7- Put the (Matches) result in Total Scan dialog.20- PE Editor : Add module viewer in the processes tab.用这个工具可以查看软件加了什么壳,5、F...

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