火影杀单机版{卡牌大全},When to use: Play card stage 出牌阶段 Lightning Kirin*2)火影杀单机版{卡牌大全}下载v1.0.0 安卓版, Medical Ninja*2, then the target will be blocked from drawing cards. 目标需进行判定, you and the target player will play [Kill] in turns. The first one who has no more [Kill] to play will lose 1 point of HP. 选择目标开出杀, (暂未上线)|火影杀" m="1"}火影杀手机版是一款以火影为主题的类似三国杀的手机游戏.玩家们可以在游戏中控制自己喜欢的忍者干掉其他人,如果判定牌是梅花,Target: Character whose distance with you is within 1 目标距离你为1如果判定牌为黑桃则该目标掉2血.