战锤末世鼠疫2(仿守望先锋手柄控制器),Jump only spaceHold to force attack | 按住连续重击战锤末世鼠疫2(仿守望先锋手柄控制器)下载v1.0 中文版,Hold to aim/accumulate and release to fire | 按住瞄准/蓄力,Script: Vermintide 2 Controller Tweaker.ahkWheel Down and Up | 鼠标滚轮Weapon quick swap mouse wheel_upChange Game input in Game | 更改默认控制按键战斗模式开关,需要的朋友赶紧来本站下载吧
脚本名:Vermintide 2 Controller Tweaker.ahk战锤末世鼠疫2(仿守望先锋手柄控制器)下载中文,双击闪避 开启All status | 任何状态职业能力 QSwitch main and sub-weapons | 切换主副武器Hold to attack continuously | 按住连续轻击Right button | 右...